Greene, R. (2006). The 33 Strategies of War

2024-09-01 (2024-08-26). 29—Take Small Bites: The Fait Accompli Strategy. pp. 383–392

Charles de Gaulle is a French general who organized a French resistance movement by giving speeches on the BBC broadcast. Do not lower your ambitions but disguise your ambitions.

Prussia’s Frederick the Great took small pieces of land from Austria over the course of years until Prussia was a formiddable European power.

Alfred Hitchcock made movies according to his vision by covertly giving feedback to his staff and edging his projects towards his wants.

People are conservative and conflict-avoidant by default. Play into people’s conservative nature by occasionally taking small bites. Play into their confrontation avoidance.

Do not reveal your intentions until you know your opponent will not win. Act fast and without discussion when they figure it out.

A quick and forceful response discourages this strategy.