Portage package manager

Portage is the package manager for Gentoo and the emerge command-line tool.

The configuration directory is in /etc/portage which adjusts package specifics according to the user’s needs:

  1. binrepos.conf is for configuring an experimental binary package host.
  2. make.conf contains some auto-generated and customized global USE flags.
  3. make.profile is a symbolic link to the eselected Gentoo profile.
  4. package.accept_keywords contains package-specific USE flags.
  5. package.license contains unmasked licenses.
  6. package.mask contains packages masked by the user.
  7. package.unmask contains unmasked packages.
  8. package.use contains package-specific USE flags.
  9. profile is a profile-specific configuration directory.
  10. repos.conf contains eselected ebuild repositories.
  11. savedconfig.
  12. sets contains custom context-dependent sets.

For a deeper structure most of these configuration files can be converted to directories.

The most important configuration file is make.conf where it’s possible to set USE flags globally:

  1. CFLAGS see https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Safe_CFLAGS.
  3. USE supersedes any default USE flags for package defaults.
  4. ACCEPT_KEYWORDS supersedes the default profile flags and allows to pick the stable or unstable branch for package defaults.


  1. Set MAKEOPTS in make.conf according to the capabilities of the CPU and RAM.
  2. The default ACCEPT_LICENSE setting is -* @FREE. This setting used to be * -@EULA for older Gentoo builds: https://www.gentoo.org/support/news-items/2019-05-23-accept_license.html.